The Project is ready. How do we implement it?
Skyline Center is aware that every project represents a unique challenge. The experience accumulated by our team enables us to successfully implement different types of investment projects:
• buildings and other infrastructures;
• equipment procurement and technology replacement;
• strategy implementation;
• projects for administrative capacity improvement.
The main services offered for Project Management include:
1. Preparation of the Implementation Plan;
2. Risk Management Plan and mitigation measures;
3. Management of Services, Works and Supply contracts related to the project;
4. Consulting services for Reporting and Monitoring;
5. Providing assistance (tel/fax/email) regarding any aspect concerning the implementation of the project;
6. Consulting services in the acceptance / finalisation stage of the project;
7. Post – implementation monitoring.
Within every project under implementation, Skyline Center focuses on the following 3 goals: BUDGET – TIME FRAME – QUALITY.
- Photovoltaic power plant for electricity production from solar energy conversion Construction of a…
- Busteni – A reborn resort - Modernisation of infrastructure and improving the…
- Integrated Waste Management System in Braila County Drawing up the Long term investment…
- Rehabilitation and modernisation of Grigore Tocilescu Highschool Services Financing Investment budget Stage Preparation of feasibility study /…
- Consultancy services for obtaining bank co-financing for “Photovoltaic power plant for electricity…
- Rehabilitation and extension of Mizil Town wastewaster treatment plant Services Financing Investment budget Stage Supervision PHARE N/A Finished
- Modernisation of electrical panel’s production for SC TECHNOELECTRIC SRL. Services Financing Investment budget Stage Project coordination Support in…
- Design of Feasibility Study for water and wastewater infrastructure within Mizil Town Program…
- Centralised sewage system in Banesti commune, Prahova County Development of a centralised sewage…
- Long term investment plan for municipal waste management in Ialomita County, Preparing an…
- Development of energy generation capacities within SC EOL ENERGY SRL, by building…
- Increasing competitiveness of SC Chemical Company SA through expanded and modernised capital…
- Touristic Swimming Complex in Targoviste Municipality Construction of a Touristic Swimming Complex –…
- Supporting Semi-subsistence farming Free consultancy offered to farmers for preparing financiang applications under…
- ERP implementation for increasing SSD - SPORT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT SRL performance Integrated automatisation…
- Rehabilitation, modernisation, developlement and equipment of educational infrastructure – Ienachita Vacarescu National…
- Increasing competitiveness of SC PASSO COMPANY SRL by investing in capital goods Equipments…
- Innovative ITcomplaints management system Development of a system by which consumers can make suggestions and…
- Setting up the sewage network in 23 August Commune, Constanta County. Services Financing Investment budget Stage Financial…
- Lancram wastewater treatment plant, Sebes Municipality Building up a wastewater treatment plant in…
- Building up a wind farm consisting of 3 wind turbines, including relatedelectrical…
- Master Plan for CN ACN SA Services Financing Investment budget Stage Project management; Preparing the medium and long…
- Marketing policies and promotion of waterways transport Marketing plan for CN ACN SA.…
- Busteni – A reborn resort – Rehabilitation of Busteni cultural heritage Servicii oferite Finantare Bugetul…
- Implementation of E-Strategy within Mizil Town Updating the Mizil Development Strategy and implementation…
- Vineyard conversion of SC Vinarte SRL Services Financing Investment budget Stage Financing Application Project coordination State Budget through Ministery…
- Extension and modernisation of working capacities within SC ROMTEC SA, for increasing…
- Building up of textile production hall for SC MONDO-CARP PRODIMPOR-EXPORT SRL Services Financing Investment budget Stage Project…
- Integrated Waste Management System in Iasi County Drawing up the Long term investment…