About Us
SKYLINE CENTER has been offering consulting services since 2005, being established as a 100% Romanian capital company.
The permanent professional development and the results we have achieved, enabled us to strengthen our market position and to continue offering quality services to our clients.
SKYLINE CENTER experienced an organic growth, developing over time business relations with numerous partners. One result in this matter represented by the signing of a Protocol with RAIFFEISEN BANK in order to facilitate Structural Funds absorption by the Romanian society. Read more
The relations developed over time with partners from various activity fields (technical, economic) are sustaining us in providing a complete consulting services package for implementing your projects:
• Project development
• Accessing non-reimbursable European or national funds
• Project management
Starting with 2010 SKYLINE CENTER S.R.L. is certified ISO 9001, 14001 and 18001 ISO Certificates